“I need a good marketer”
“Hey, I can help you. I’m a Marketing Ninja!”
Marketing Ninja? And you wonder what does that mean? Does that mean the marketer is excellent or has good marketing abilities? Undeniably, the meaning is somewhat vague because it is not easy to distinguish a “ninja’s” marketing abilities.
So, when someone says they’re a Marketing Ninja, what do they actually mean?
MARKETING NINJA – The Definition
According to the definitions, “ninja” is informally known to be a person who excels in a particular skill or activity and we relate that to marketing ninja, we can assume that a marketing ninja is a person who excels in marketing while applying so called “ninja” techniques and strategies in marketing.
It has no meaning, as do most of these fancy words. It’s a catch-all term for all types of marketing. There is no system in place. There is no universally accepted definition. Nobody would be able to refute you if you made something up on the spur of the moment and claimed it was Ninja Marketing.
Therefore, don’t be intimidated or captivated when someone identifies themselves as “marketing ninja” because it is simply a label and not a proper concept that defines a level of marketing expertise.
Then, why do people use it?
Perhaps because ninjas are cool. If you spend a lot of time on the internet, you’ll get the sense that ninjas are awesome. So, knowing that a work title in the present day should be both intriguing and descriptive, we ask which of these two roles the term ninja supports.
It may even be taken to the point where “ninja” has merely become an adjective to express how awesome something is. In this case, it’s nothing more than a cynical attempt to resurrect another popular phrase by trying to make something that would otherwise be mundane or uninteresting, cool again.
Some marketers may have chosen the phrase “ninja” just because it is a cool term that strongly represents the internet culture. Hence, the next time you hear one label themselves with unclear terms, you might want to research the meaning of it.